Executive CommitteePlease click on each role to find out more about the associated responsibilities. PresidentBob Laurenzo The President plays a key role in motivating the officers by providing guidance, direction and making the best decisions possible for the NJCA’s success and future. The President is on the forefront in supplying structure, information, and obtaining consensus among the officers. Whereas the Secretary provides tactical support that keeps the NJCA operating smoothly, the President is responsible for building and advancing a common strategic vision for the association. SecretaryBrian Bechan The Secretary is responsible for NJCA external correspondence, record keeping, maintaining all forms and documentation, and coordinating catering and logistics for all events. The outgoing Secretary becomes the incoming President, therefore the Secretary needs to backup and assist the current President, and assume that role in case of emergency. TreasurerNick Vollrath The Treasurer’s role is to manage the association’s finances by managing all invoicing, paying expenses and making deposits in a timely and accurate manner. Membership ChairRick Laurenzo The Membership Chair is responsible for marketing the NJCA to new and existing members, responding to inquiries from potential members and ensuring membership dues are kept current. The Membership Chair is also responsible for working with the Executive Committee to keep current members interested and enthusiastic throughout each program year. Program ChairKC Weinraub The Program Chair is responsible for developing the topics that are presented to the association throughout the year based on ideas from the Executive Committee and association members, as well as the Program Chair’s own knowledge and experience. The Program Chair will also coordinate with industry consultants, practitioners and other total compensation professionals to facilitate the meetings. Professional Development ChairVACANT Act as a primary liaison between the New Jersey Compensation Association (NJCA) and WorldatWork; focusing on educational needs, e-mail notifications and any additional related learning programs to enhance the development of NJCA’s members. Participate in WorldatWork calls, advising the Executive Committee and members of relevant trends and events. Responsibilities range from initial identification of appropriate educational courses through final assessment of delivered materials. Website ChairYelena Stiles The Website Chair is responsible for ensuring that the website meets the needs of the Executive Committee and Association members and reflects the Association’s vision and mission. The Chair also manages all website logistics, including interactions with the organization running the site and the host. Chair At LargeStephen Matthaey Although the Chair at Large has no specific duties, she/he is available to help other Executive Committee members as necessary, or to participate in project work. The Chair at Large also acts as a "voice of the people," advising the Executive Committee of currents within our constituency and trends in our community. Furthermore, the Chair at Large should be initially considered for any "named" opening on the Executive Committee as it becomes available. |